City of Chickasha Master Plan

Master plan provides road map for taking Chickasha’s downtown to the next level.

Looking to revitalize and enhance its downtown entertainment district, the City of Chickasha, OK selected FSB to produce a master plan, one which would retain and attract business, as well as bring together key elements of the community which were currently operating independently.

The downtown plaza serves as the hub and crossroads of Chickasha’s entire entertainment district, from which all other city venues and activities radiate. As the formal entry point, it features a central fountain, a circular colonnade representing the overall roundhouse structure, and various smaller areas for public gatherings, museum displays and events.

Extensive renovations to many of Chickasha’s historic buildings are incorporated into the new master plan, including its Train Depot, Mill Building and Freight Building, which are envisioned as future homes for artist studios and galleries. Also planned is a new farmer’s market pavilion, transportation plaza and museum, an amphitheater and a children’s play area. Another key component is the Civic Park, a formal landscaped public space which will front Chickasha’s historic City Hall and the Grady County Courthouse.

A key focal point is the town’s signature pedestrian bridge, which stretches across the railroad tracks and connects the downtown area with the Grady County Fairgrounds, providing easy access from one to the other. The entire district is pedestrian-friendly, with benches, lighting, landscaping and other features that encourage visitors to linger awhile.


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Chickasha, Oklahoma


City of Chickasha


7 city blocks

pedestrian bridge
historic buildings
city blocks planned