Frankfurt Short Bruza (FSB), an Oklahoma City architecture and engineering firm, announced construction is about to begin for two new residence halls for Northern Oklahoma College (NOC) at their Enid and Tonkawa campuses.

These 84 bed, 20,000 square feet dormitories are the first new residential construction for the college in 30 years. Students will be outfitted with modern semi-suite dorm rooms consisting of four beds and a shared bathroom, walk-in closets, and Wi-Fi available throughout the building.
The interior of the two residence halls will be very similar, but building exteriors will vary to match the architectural style of each campus. There will also be a recreation room in each hall that doubles as a storm shelter. Designed to FEMA standards, the storm shelters are above ground with reinforced concrete walls.
The central lobbies will have informational screens about the campus’ activities and flat screen TVs. In order to provide students with a balance between communal and private space, study nooks were designed into the building, including space in the laundry facilities. Construction for both projects will continue simultaneously and is scheduled to open in July 2015.
FSB utilized Hollis & Miller Architects in Overland Park, Kan. as a design consultant and Nabholz Construction’s Tulsa office was selected as the construction manager. FSB competed against several other firms to have the opportunity to design these modern, up-to-date living environments for Northern Oklahoma College students.
“FSB is honored to design these much needed modern residential halls for NOC,” said Jason Holuby, FSB senior associate and project manager.
“These students will be able to live and study in comfort with modern, new living quarters. Projects like these show the NOC administration’s commitment to providing a full college experience to students in smaller communities.”
NOC was established in 1901 in Tonkawa, Okla. In 1999, it added the former Phillips University to open the Enid campus. Enrollment has increased and NOC recognized the need for additional student housing due to their current housing being close to or at capacity and the current housing stock being dated.