Wally Frankfurt and Truett Coston establish Coston & Frankfurt. Harold Short joins the firm and work begins in earnest from the downtown APCO Tower building.
Air conditioning comes into its own in the late 1940s and the firm responds to this new technology, designing the first system for APCO Tower.
The firm enjoys multiple air conditioning projects during this time including cooling for the ONG Tower.
The firm begins their more than 70-year relationship with OU and OSU, designing central utility power plants on both campuses.
Norick Printing Plant in Oklahoma City is on the boards.
Through design and engineering efforts of the firm, Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation begins planning their first research building.
At OU Medical Center, a new Outpatient Hospital project is planned by the firm for their burgeoning new campus.
Harold Short becomes a partner and the firm’s name changes to Coston-Frankfurt-Short.