Wally Frankfurt and Truett Coston establish Coston & Frankfurt. Harold Short joins the firm and work begins in earnest from the downtown APCO Tower building.
Air conditioning comes into its own in the late 1940s and the firm responds to this new technology, designing the first system for APCO Tower.
The firm enjoys multiple air conditioning projects during this time including cooling for the ONG Tower.
The firm begins their more than 70-year relationship with OU and OSU, designing central utility power plants on both campuses.
Norick Printing Plant in Oklahoma City is on the boards.
Through design and engineering efforts of the firm, Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation begins planning their first research building.
At OU Medical Center, a new Outpatient Hospital project is planned by the firm for their burgeoning new campus.
Harold Short becomes a partner and the firm’s name changes to Coston-Frankfurt-Short.
Coston-Frankfurt-Short’s rapidly growing company expands offices to the OEA Headquarters Building near the State Capitol.
A significant addition is completed for the OU Chemistry Building.
Halliburton becomes a client and work begins on their Manufacturing, Warehouse and Office facility in Duncan, Oklahoma.
Coston-Frankfurt-Short completes their first major aviation project for Douglas Aircraft Company in Tulsa – an Electronics and Processing Systems Building.
The firm begins their long and successful history of Federal work at military installations including two hangars and a hospital at Fort Sill, Oklahoma.
Coston-Frankfurt-Short begins rehabilitation and new construction work at the U.S. Naval Air Training Center in Norman, Oklahoma.
The firm partners with American Airlines in Tulsa to design work docks for servicing jet aircraft.
Medical work continues for the firm with the completion of Blackwell General Hospital and School of Nursing.
Recognized for its architectural beauty, St. Luke’s Methodist Church is completed and the grand structure becomes a popular tourist attraction with visitors from around the world.
The Capitol Hill High School Fieldhouse is finished and featured in Steel Construction Magazine.
With Coston-Frankfurt-Short’s help, OU adds a $2.7 million addition to their beautiful Bizzell Memorial Library.
Companies that move freight become a niche for the firm with Mistletoe Express’ office building and terminal in downtown Oklahoma City on the boards.
The firm begins their decades long history of projects at Tinker AFB with the new base hospital.
Education work continues with the addition and remodeling of Harding Junior-Senior High School gymnasium.
Coston-Frankfurt-Short’s first branch office is opened in Tulsa to serve American Airlines and their new maintenance base.
Coston-Frankfurt-Short begins work on Herbert Hoover Junior-Senior High School.
In fourteen short years the firm is ranked 75th among all architectural offices in the U.S. by Architectural Forum Magazine.
From a dream in 1946 to completion of Phase I in April 1959, a landmark matures in Oklahoma City – Baptist Medical Center.
Another Medical Research Building is completed for Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation.
A second branch office opens in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. Projects begin for Bethlehem Steel, the country’s second largest steel manufacturer in the world.
Kerr McGee begins a partnership with CFS that spans four decades. The company’s first major home, the KerrMac office building is on the boards.
The Army COE hires the firm to design hospitals at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri and at Fort Sill, Oklahoma.
Plans get underway for the new Oklahoma City Police Headquarters in downtown. The project goes on to garner two design awards.
CFS begins working with Lehigh University and plans for a new Residence Hall commence.
Architect Jim Bruza begins his career with CFS in the design department.
Healthcare work expands during the 60’s with Baptist Medical Center, Phase 2 projects which add four floors to the west tower.
CFS becomes active with historical preservation projects including a study to renovate and save the historic Hales Office Building in downtown Oklahoma City.
The firm assists Governor Henry Bellmon with plans to build a dome with a revolving restaurant atop the Oklahoma State Capitol Building.
American Airlines hires the firm to design a state-of-the-art Reservations System Computer Center in Tulsa.
CFS completes OSU’s Engineering North Building which is dedicated on May 1, 1965. The firm opens an office in Little Rock, Arkansas.
CFS’s education work expands at OSU with a Dormitory project and Life Sciences Building. The firm also begins several projects at the University of Central Oklahoma.
Bill Frankfurt joins the firm and begins work as a Mechanical Engineer.
Construction is completed on General Electric’s new office and warehouse facility.
Coston-Frankfurt-Short opens an office in New York City to handle expanding work for American Airlines.
The Basic Science Building at the Oklahoma Medical Center is completed, winning an AIA Award of Excellence.
Truett Coston takes over the Pennsylvania office. Gene Emery and Mac McKinley become partners and CFS’ name changes to Frankfurt-Short-Emery-McKinley.
The firm completes a study to save the old Huckins Hotel in downtown Oklahoma City.
Glenn Short joins the firm this year and begins work as a Fire Protection Engineer.
A 167,000 square foot hangar for American Airlines at Tulsa International Airport is completed and occupied.
Embarking on a 30-year relationship with Hertz, drawings begin on the award-winning Hertz Data Center.
The University of Oklahoma Medical Center Teaching Hospital (Everett Tower) is completed by the firm.
The firm continues to assist American Airlines in their expansion throughout the country with new B747 hangars at JFK and Chicago O’Hare International Airports.
Phase 3 design begins on Baptist Medical Center.
The National Softball Hall of Fame is on the boards this year.
Westinghouse’s manufacturing facility is fast tracked and completed with an unprecedented design and construction schedule of 12 months.
Design of Fife Corporation’s corporate headquarters commences.
The firm designs a new manufacturing and warehouse facility for Whirlpool with over 500,000 square feet of floor area.
The firm designs the 30-story downtown Kerr McGee tower, which Skyscraper Magazine dubs “A New Landmark in OKC” and is later named one of the “10 Best Buildings in Oklahoma.”
Aviation expertise continues to grow as the firm completes a hangar for Braniff at DFW International Airport.
A 90,000 square foot Kelly Air Force Base Plating Shop is on the drawing boards this year for the U.S. Army COE.
Baptist Medical Center work continues with the completion of Phase 3 including their world-famous burn center.
Bill Frankfurt becomes President.
The firm begins a master plan for a 500,000 square foot office and research complex for Conoco in Ponca City.
Design work commences on the VA Hospital in Muskogee, Oklahoma.
Work continues with Hertz Corporation’s 124,000 square foot Worldwide Reservations Center.
Work continues on Baptist Medical Center Phase IV.
Glenn Short is named Executive Vice President.
The Wing Headquarters and Commissary buildings for Tinker Air Force Base are in design; both receive top honors with the USAF.
The firm’s reputation in aviation design continues to grow with design of American Airlines’ facilities at JFK International Airport.
Jim Bruza is named partner and the firm changes its name to Frankfurt-Short-Bruza.
The Applied Instruction Building at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri is completed for the Army COE.
Work begins on the second Conoco (South) Tower in Ponca City as well as a new atrium cafeteria design.
FSB completes a 110,000 square foot maintenance hangar for US Airways at Pittsburgh International Airport.
FSB moves their offices to United Founders Tower.
The headquarters building for Local Federal Savings and Loan is completed.
Two Grand Park, a 100,000 SF multi-story office building is completed by FSB this year.
Mobil Oil Company completes their 450,000 square foot Manufacturing facility which is the world’s largest oriented polypropylene films plant.
FSB wins the national design competition for OSU’s 21st Century Center and work begins on a multi-phase research center with over 100 labs, classrooms, offices and auditorium.
FSB moves to the Grand Park Building.
FSB begins design on a Base Civil Engineers complex at Reese AFB, Texas.
OSU’s Bartlett for the Studio Arts is completed winning an AIA Honor Award.
FSB continues their long-term association with additional laboratory and office projects in Houston and Bay City, Texas
Fleming Corporation moves into their newly renovated 160,000 SF headquarters designed by FSB.
A new 100,000 SF division headquarters building is completed for Tenneco Oil Company.
FSB completes a large award-winning hangar for the military’s C-130 aircraft at Peterson AFB, Colorado.
A new medical clinic in McAlester, Oklahoma is completed.
An aircraft hangar for the B1-B bomber at Dyess AFB, Texas receives the USAF’s highest design award.
Hangar 2 is completed giving American Airlines another 118,302 SF for maintenance at DFW International Airport.
Laboratory work expands during this decade with the completion of the large High Explosive Application Facility in California.
FSB partners with United Airlines assisting with site selection and programming for what ultimately becomes a $580 million aircraft maintenance center. Operations continue to expand with the opening of the firm’s Fort Worth office.
Hangar 6 is completed for American Airlines adding 185,000 square feet of aircraft maintenance space at Tulsa International Airport.
Work is completed on Festival Place which becomes a focal point for community events in downtown Oklahoma City.
FSB continues to expand their laboratory portfolio with the completion of Sandia National Laboratory’s Explosive Components Facility in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Oklahoma City Mayor Ron Norick turns to FSB to create an OKC master plan – beginning of MAPS.
American Airline’s Hangars 3 & 4 are completed at DFW International Airport giving American nearly 400,000 square feet additional maintenance space.
Work is completed on OSU’s Noble Research Center and FSB receives an AIA Honor Award for the $40 million project.
The $80 million Aircraft Support Facilities are finished for United Airlines at Denver International Airport.
The first B737 hangar is completed in record time for United Airlines at their Indianapolis Maintenance Center.
FSB completes for Federal Express their first hangar in Alaska. Two other hangars for FedEx are also completed at Memphis International Airport.
The award-winning Registry Building for the FAA is finished by the firm and is published nationally.
OSU’s Conference Center is completed at the College of Osteopathic Medicine in Tulsa, as are multiple projects for Stillwater Medical Center.
The 38,000 square foot Dillard Office Building is constructed for $3.8 million in Norman.
FSB completes renovation of The Oklahoman Building, a downtown historical landmark, into offices for the YMCA – named Best Historic Rehabilitation in the State.
FSB’s award-winning Advanced Technology Research Center is opened to rave reviews at Oklahoma State University.
FSB wins the USAF’s top design award for their KC-10 Maintenance Hangar Complex at McGuire AFB, New Jersey.
FSB performs a feasibility study to determine the viability of constructing a State Capitol dome.
Work is completed on FSB’s largest project, the Indianapolis Maintenance Center for United Airlines.
FSB continues their work around the country for Hertz Corporation with design of a 90,000 square foot Reservations Center in Saraland, Alabama.
Devon Energy’s/YMCA downtown Fitness Center is completed receiving the YMCA’s national “Excellence in Facilities” design award.
Work begins on the award-winning Composite Support Complex at the Tulsa Air National Guard Base.
The beautiful Gaillardia Office Building is completed as a design-build project for OPUBCO development.
Work begins for Oklahoma City University with a master plan for their new $19 million School of Law.
Work continues for OPUBCO with the completion of a fitness center project at their corporate headquarters.
FSB and Capitol Dome Builders help Governor Keating complete a dream for all Oklahomans – designing and building a dome atop the state capitol building. Erecting a dome on an existing Capitol had not been done in the U.S. since the Nation’s Capitol in 1865.
Hertz’s Quail Springs Center, a 250,000 square foot office building is completed by the firm.
FSB begins a long partnership with the Chickasaw Nation when the Tribe wanted to build a world-class home that would capture the very essence of their tribal culture. As Owner’s Representative for the Tribe, FSB played a key role providing quality assurance and supervising the design through its final construction.
An 800-space, six-story parking garage is fully functional for the University of Oklahoma, garnering both national and international recognition.
FSB completes MAPS as Program Coordinator and Oklahoma City enjoys the fruits of their labor with the new 12,000-seat Bricktown Ballpark, a new library, downtown canal, indoor sports arena, fairgrounds improvements, and renovation of the Myriad and Civic Center.
CompSource Oklahoma moves into their new offices.
FSB sees a surge in military work during this time with completion of projects in Maine, New Jersey, Washington, Oregon, Alaska, Lousiana, New Mexico, Texas, and California.
OSU’s award-winning ConocoPhillips Alumni Center is opened to the public. The project receives a design award from the AIA.
The USAF’s C-17 Flight Simulator at McGuire AFB, NJ is complete winning multiple awards for the firm.
Architects Art Austin, Rick Johnson, Philip McNayr, Fred Schmidt and Engineer Gary James are named partners. Bill Frankfurt becomes CEO and Glenn Short is named President.
Construction begins on three hangars designed by FSB for Boeing at the Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul Technology Center (MROTC) near Tinker AFB.
Renovation of the Oklahoma City University Student Faculty Center and School of Dance is under construction.
FSB completes several projects as part of the $55 million in improvements to the Oklahoma State Fair solidifying Oklahoma City’s reputation as the “Horse Show Capital of the World”.
FSB continues their 20 year long history with FedEx’s new $100 million Sort Facility in Greensboro, North Carolina.
Construction is complete on the $22 million Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation (OSBI) Forensic Science Laboratory and Office Building.
Construction is complete on the $77 million C-5 Hangar complex for the Tennessee Air National Guard at Memphis International Airport, TN.
Work continues for ConocoPhillips on the Phillips Building in Bartlesville, Oklahoma.
FSB completes UCO’s Forensic Science Institute, Oklahoma’s first Higher Education LEED Certified facility.
On the heels of completing the Devon Records Storage Facility, FSB finishes the new Devon Data Center in January 2010. The building structure is designed to withstand tornado-force winds of up to 310 mph within a hardened site perimeter.
UCO’s Center for Transformative Learning is under construction with FSB completing their second project for the University.
FSB completes the new Business Building and McMahon Centennial Complex for Cameron University in Lawton, Oklahoma.
Gary James, is named President, Philip McNayr and Rick Johnson are both named Executive Vice President. Also a shareholder, Fred Schmidt is a design leader in multiple markets for the firm.
FSB is selected for DEA’s $20 million expansion project to the El Paso Intelligence Center.
A daylong celebration marked the reopening of the renovated Myriad Botanical Gardens. FSB was on the team that helped make this space beautiful again.
FSB finished construction of the award-winning Headquarters Air Reserve Personnel Center at Buckley Air Force Base in Colorado. The ARPC received the 2012 Citation Award for Facility Design and the 2009 Merit Award for Concept Design.
The Chickasaw Nation selects FSB to transform a worn Capitol Complex building into their Oklahoma City Regional Headquarters.
Cameron University commissions FSB to design a master plan for both the Lawton and Duncan campus locations. The plan will analyze future campus needs and outline actions for advancing the academic environment and enhancing student campus life.
Airbus made history with its decision to create an A320 family Final Assembly Line Complex in Mobile, Alabama, which became the company’s first U.S.-based production facility. A ceremony in April 2013 marked the beginning of construction for the $600 million plant, with aircraft assembly scheduled to begin in 2015 and the first delivery targeted for 2016.
FSB with HOK is selected to design the new terminal expansion at Will Rogers World Airport in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
ASTEC Charter School selects FSB to provide full A/E services as well as construction administration for the new ASTEC Middle and High School in Oklahoma City, OK.
FSB has worked closely with the Choctaw Nation to develop a master plan which consolidates services into a 500,000 SF location to provide more convenient access, operational efficiencies and opportunities for growth.
The first MV-22 Hangar Facility on the west coast in Miramar, California is designed by FSB.
Vision 2020 takes place and FSB names two new market principals. Gene Brown oversees FSB’s Federal market and Jason Holuby leads the Native American market.
FSB together with Manhattan Construction is selected for the 400,000 SF, $160 million, once-in-a-lifetime interior restoration of the Oklahoma State Capitol Building.
Chickasaw Nation’s Carl Albert Services Center construction completes.
FSB is selected to design the new OSU Undergraduate (CEAT) Laboratory in Stillwater, Oklahoma.
FSB completes the new Chickasaw National Recreation Area Visitor Center in Sulphur, OK, and the Oklahoma Travel Industry Association names the project an award winner for Outstanding New Attraction.
The long-awaited $37 million Edmond Public Safety Center is completed for the City of Edmond and wins a Build Oklahoma award.
FSB is selected to provide architectural and engineering services for the new Air Force One Complex at Joint Base Andrews in Maryland.
FSB completes Heartland Middle School, the first new middle school in Edmond, Oklahoma in 17 years.
FSB designs the first wide-body hangar in South America for American Airlines in Brazil.
FSB completes the OCU School of Law and both the school and FSB receive the State Historic Preservation Officer’s Citation of Merit which is awarded annually for important contributions made to the preservation of Oklahoma’s heritage.
The Leadership FSB program is created to boost employee’s personal leadership and professional development.
FSB is selected by the Muscogee (Creek) Nation to create a master plan for all tribal-owned properties in and around Okmulgee, OK, including the main tribal complex, an industrial site, a former country clubhouse and the tribe’s Omniplex and Agriplex.
FSB continues work for United Airlines on their Aircraft Maintenance Complex Relocation and Base Expansion at the George Bush Intercontinental Airport in Houston, TX.
The 279,000 SF Bennett Event Center is completed at State Fair Park. The $58 million project now allows the fairgrounds to attract more and bigger events year‑round.
United Airlines selects FSB to provide relocation, design and construction services for a new Line Maintenance Hangar and Ground Services Equipment Complex at the Los Angeles International Airport.
FSB completes a new Courtside Lounge for the OKC Thunder!
FSB along with Oklahoma City Community College celebrate the grand opening of the new Capitol Hill Center.
FSB assists the Chickasaw Nation by designing a new Chickasaw Cultural Center Aa-Ashaachi which preserves many tribal artifacts that have lived in Oklahoma for centuries.
FSB establishes New Fire Native Design Group, an affiliate Native American-owned company.
Oklahoma State University opens their new Central Plant project designed by FSB.
The new Choctaw Headquarters in Durant is complete and opened for tribal members. The project wins an AIA Merit Award in the Large Commercial Architecture category.
FSB is named to Inc. magazine’s prestigious Inc. 5000 list. The firm is also named a Metro 50 award winner by the OKC Chamber of Commerce as one of the city’s fastest growing companies.
FSB makes Building Design + Construction’s Giants 300 list for the first time, receiving high rankings in many categories including Industrial Facilities, Military Facilities, and Airport Terminals to name a few.
Oklahoma City Urban Renewal Authority selects FSB with Rose Rock Development Partners to develop the largest of four housing projects proposed to be built next to the future Omni Hotel in downtown Oklahoma City, OK.
Pete White Health & Wellness Center opens and makes a big splash with the community.
FSB kicks off a large expansion project for FedEx in Ontario, California.
Ground is broken for the Will Rogers Terminal Complex at Will Rogers World Airport.
New casino for Cheyenne & Arapaho tribes in Watonga.
FSB is selected as AIA Firm of the Year for the 5th time, the most of any firm in Oklahoma.
The Federal Aviation Administration’s Multipurpose Building gets under construction.
Work continues on the State Capitol Interiors restoration.
With more than 40 years at FSB, Philip has served in a variety of roles, from architect to project manager to market principal and now president.
Mark Timbrook and Brian Sauer are selected to co-lead the Aviation Market. Aaron Campbell is selected as Associate Principal for the Infrastructure and Technology Market.
For the second time, FSB is named a Beacon Awards’ winner by The Journal Record for the firm’s STEMpowered Initiative, which is specifically aimed at empowering students through STEM education.
In celebration of the firm’s 75th anniversary, the FSB history book is published, and employees receive a copy at the book-signing party in February.
FSB completes FedEx’s expansion at the Ontario International Airport in Southern California. It features 194,000 SF of new construction including two new facilities, a main sorting facility and a ground support equipment maintenance building.
Our employees enjoy socially distanced cupcakes until we can reschedule our anniversary party, which is postponed due to the coronavirus pandemic.
The time capsule filled with mementos and symbols of life and work, including many objects referencing the COVID-19 pandemic. The time capsule won’t be opened again until 2045, during our 100th anniversary year.
FSB celebrates the groundbreaking on the first new recreational center for the City of Oklahoma City in more than 50 years.
The renovation focuses on enhancing the unique art deco features of the active Oklahoma City landmark while also upgrading and modernizing the mechanical, electrical and life-safety systems.
Gardner Tanenbaum and Robinson Park Investments select FSB to design a multi-use transformational development at the OKC Innovation District.